Sunday, August 15, 2010

JavaScript To Copy Text From One Field To Another

Often when creating a form on a web page, you need your customers to fill out a field such as a mailing address, as well as a billing address. Instead of having your customers fill out the form twice, you can use JavaScript to copy the form's data from one field to another.
Mailing Address 

 Check this box if Billing Address and Mailing Address are the same.Billing Address 


The JavaScript used to achieve the effect looks like this:

function FillBilling(f) {
  if(f.billingtoo.checked == true) {
    f.billingname.value = f.shippingname.value;
    f.billingcity.value = f.shippingcity.value;
To add more fields, just add to the parameters shown this:
f.billingstate.value = f.shippingstate.value;
    f.billingzip.value = f.shippingzip.value;
 The HTML for the form you will use looks like this:

 <b>Mailing Address</b>
<input type="text" name="shippingcity">
<input type="checkbox" name="billingtoo" onclick="FillBilling(this.form)">
<em>Check this box if Billing Address and Mailing Address are the same.</em>
<b>Billing Address</b>
<input type="text" name="billingname">
<input type="text" name="billingcity">

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