Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bean Scopes in JSF

There are three types of scopes for the JSF backing beans.

   1. Request Scope
   2. Session Scope
   3. Application Scope


Objects with this scope are visible from the start of the request until the end of the request. Request scope starts at the beginning of a request and ends when the response has been sent to the client. If the request is forwarded, the objects are visible in the forwarded page, because that page is still part of the same request/response cycle. Objects with request scope can use other objects with none, request, session, or application scope.


An object with session scope is visible for any request/response cycle that belongs to a session. Objects with this scope have their state persisted between requests and last until the object or the session is invalidated. Objects with session scope can use other objects with none, session, or application scope.


An object with application scope is visible in all request/response cycles for all clients using the application, for as long as the application is active. Objects with application scope can use other objects with none or application scope.

JSF Related topics: JCaptcha in JSF, Integrating Richfaces with JSF,Getting client and server sessionId in JSF,PopUp AlertMessagebox for JSF and more.....

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