Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How To Start, Stop and Restart Oracle Listener in Linux

open the terminal

switch to the root, by using following command

[subin@wipro-049cafd91 ~]$ su -

enter the root password and click on enter it will enter into the root

[root@wipro-049cafd91 subin]#

then enter the following command

[root@wipro-049cafd91 subin]# su - oracle

To Start Listener :

[root@wipro-049cafd91 subin]# lsnrctl start

To Stop Listener :

[root@wipro-049cafd91 subin]# lsnrctl stop

To Restart Listener :

[root@wipro-049cafd91 subin]# lsnrctl reload

Available Listener Commands :

lsnrctl help command will display all available listener commands. In Oracle 11g following are the available listener commands.

* start - Start the Oracle listener

* stop - Stop the Oracle listener

* status - Display the current status of the Oracle listener

* services - Retrieve the listener services information

* version - Display the oracle listener version information

* reload - This will reload the oracle listener SID and parameter files. This is equivalent to lsnrctl stop and lsnrctl start.

* save_config – This will save the current settings to the listener.ora file and also take a backup of the listener.ora file before overwriting it. If there are no changes, it will display the message “No changes to save for LISTENER”

* trace - Enable the tracing at the listener level. The available options are ‘trace OFF’, ‘trace USER’, ‘trace ADMIN’ or ‘trace SUPPORT’

* spawn - Spawns a new with the program with the spawn_alias mentioned in the listener.ora file

* change_password – Set the new password to the oracle listener (or) change the existing listener password.

* show - Display log files and other relevant listener information.

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